Think "post up" for crisp contact every time
The Problem
You often hit short of the pin, putting extra pressure on your short game. But you can't just take more club, because sometimes
you'll catch one good and overshoot the green.
Why It's Happening
If you're inconsistent with your irons like this, you're probably hanging too far back and pivoting around
your right leg through impact (instead of your left). This causes you to release the club early and swing
with a lifting or scooping motion. The result: High and weak shots.
The Solution
Start your downswing with your left knee and hip "posting up" on top of your left foot fi rst. This
allows your hands and arms to drop down without releasing the club before impact. As your left hip
begins to clear out of the way, your right knee and hip move up into the ball, allowing you to deliver the club into the ball with
power and accuracy. Once you ingrain this move, you'll start to hit your irons the proper distance and trajectory.